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πŸŽ… A Holiday Piano Duet from My Secret Life πŸ–οΈ lifestyle Dec 26, 2023

Some old-school viewers of mine might know that I had a double life once.

On one hand, I was teaching composing on YouTube, working towards my goals of going full-time.

On the other hand…

… I ran a goofy piano duet channel with my longtime collaborator and best friend, Frank Tedesco.

To celebrate the holidays, here’s a deep cut from our playlist. Enjoy

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πŸ—“οΈ Design Your Dream Schedule πŸ–οΈ lifestyle Aug 15, 2023

One of the most exciting things about working for yourself is the ability to control how you spend your time.

And yet often when we get that freedom, many of us either overwork ourselves or underutilize the time we allot. Distractions deter us, choices paralyze us, and we find our days ending with the thought “How did I work all day with nothing to show for it?”

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πŸ›‘ Why One Media Composer Walked Away πŸ–οΈ lifestyle Jul 25, 2023

This video might be a tough pill to swallow, but it's worth a watch.

Jacques is an ex-media composer who outlines what prompted him to leave the industry.

I wish I could tell you that these problems don't exist, but they do--I've seen and experienced many of them first-hand:

So here’s my take.

As much as you might want this career, don't want it so badly that you overlook red flags....

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πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ My Leap Of Faith πŸ–οΈ lifestyle May 23, 2023

2 months ago, I had dug myself into a hole.

In my eagerness to take on as much composing work as possible, I found myself:

  • Working 40+ hours a week
  • Accepting low pay, high revision work
  • Accepting uncredited jobs just to be part of high-profile projects

I’ll be honest… I felt lost.

“Isn’t this what I wanted? Don’t I want to compose...

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❌ The "Not To Do" List πŸ–οΈ lifestyle May 16, 2023

I'm currently enrolled in one of the coolest courses ever.

It's called "How to Work Less", designed by Richard Webster, a designer and entrepreneur with a mission: to teach creatives how to spend less time, make more profit, and earn more freedom.

One of my favorite things I've learned so far (and implemented) is the "Not To Do List".

Here's how it works:

  1. Pick 5 things...
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