Welcome to Zach Heyde's
🎬 Composing Career Bootcamp.

Finally gain the confidence and clarity you need to become a full-time composer.

The Composing Career Bootcamp is a cohort-based course designed to help media composers expand their network and land paid work from anywhere in the world - all while building incredible friendships along the way. (100+ students, 5 stars)

Cohort 4 Begins September 30th. 🗓️


😓 Tired of Feeling Confused? I Was, Too.

Let's face it - getting to compose for a living is your dream job.

Up until this very moment, you've spent all of your energy on your craft - making music, taking composing lessons and courses, and buying VSTs to prepare for your journey.

But you've also been AVOIDING the business of how to get paid to compose.

Without a clear path, you're struggling to know...

  • 🔎 Who to contact
  • 👋 How to get yourself out there
  • 🗓️ What to do on a daily basis to see results

And here's the scariest part:

You feel like you're running out of time to figure it all out.

If that sounds about right, I feel your pain. 😖

Even though I spent four years practicing at music college, I still lacked the career guidance I needed to make my dreams a reality.

(The best gigs I had after college were teaching piano to kids and playing at a local church in my hometown.)

Sure, I was paying the bills - but I wasn't doing what I LOVED.

I dreamt of a profitable composing career, filled with amazing clients and exciting projects.

But nobody had prepared me for the painful obstacles I'd face along the way:

❌  I couldn't find any composing work
❌  I lacked confidence in my music

❌  No one answered my emails

❌  I hated feeling "sales-y"
❌  Nobody listened to my portfolio
❌  I had no clue how to talk money

And until I could overcome these obstacles, I'd never be able to transform my dreams into reality.

But after 10 long years of frustration, mistakes, and trial-and-error, I finally figured it all out...

And once I did, my career skyrocketed. 🚀

In 2022, I made over $80k from my music and could officially call myself a full-time composer.

Now, I get to wake up and spend every day doing something I truly love.

But what if I told you that you could get there way faster than I did?

What if I told you that all you needed to achieve your goals was:

  • 💡 A handful of simple but powerful strategies
  • 🎯 A clear, step-by-step framework
  • 🙋‍♂️ Proper guidance and accountability

With all this, you'd start landing clients and getting work in WEEKS - not years.

With all this, you'd be unstoppable.

Introducing my 6-week 🎬 Composing Career Bootcamp.

Through this program, I'll give you all the skills, tools, templates, and systems you need to expand your network, market yourself online, and attract your dream clients from anywhere.

You'll finally have the confidence you've dreamt of to see a clear path towards your composing career future.

You'll build meaningful connections with composers from around the world to offer support, encouragement, and friendship.

And best of all...

You're going to start having fun working ON your business instead of IN it.

Ready to learn how?👇

🎬 Get Lifetime Access to 150+ Exclusive Lessons

Your 6-Week Career Blueprint

Learn a step-by-step breakdown covering topics including expanding your network, marketing yourself online, and pitching your services to land consistent paid work.

Week 1 → 🎯 Strategy

Create a game plan for your career to ensure powerful focus and attainable results.

15+ lessons, including:

  • 🎯 Defining Your Goal
  • 🗓️ Time Management
  • 🎹 Your Practice Routine
  • 💿 Your Reel, Site, & Resume
Week 2 → 💬 Networking

Build your network quickly from anywhere, whether you're starting from scratch or have a solid headstart.

25+ lessons, including:

  • 🗂️ Organizing Leads
  • 🙏 How to Request Referrals
  • 💬 Spiderweb Networking
  • 📩 My Cold Email Outreach Formula


Week 3 → 📣 Marketing

Deliver value online with minimal effort to build an audience of fans and future clients.

25+ lessons, including:

  • 📲 Choosing Your Platform
  • 😍 Delivering Value Online
  • 🚀 Growth Strategies
  • 🎬 YouTube Creation Mini-Course
Week 4 → 🔎 Job Hunting

Learn how to find and create work opportunities without submitting job applications.

25+ lessons, including:

  • 🤑 Why Clients Buy
  • 🔎 Discovering Potential Leads
  • 💬 Pitching Your Services
  • 👋 Effective Follow-Up Strategies
Week 5 → 🤝 Negotiation

Master sales without feeling sales-y, land deals, and start charging what you're worth.

25+ lessons, including:

  • 💬 Negotiation Strategies
  • 📞 The Sales Call Formula
  • 🤑 Pricing Your Work
  • 📝 Contracts and Agreements
Week 6 → 🎹 Delivery

Keep clients coming back to you with effective communication and my project management tools.

15+ lessons, including:

  • ⏰ Overcome Project Roadblocks
  • 📂 File & Folder Naming
  • 🔁 Backup Systems
  • 🎬 Sending Deliverables
👋 Access Our Exclusive Student Portal

Join Our Private Community

Connect with me and other composers from around the world, plus participate in weekly community challenges and assignments.

💬 Private Student Portal

Gain access to our private Discord portal to network with me and other students, enter weekly networking challenges, and get music feedback.

🙋‍♂️ Direct Hotline to Zach

Get all of your career questions answered by Zach and his team through the duration of the 6-week program (plus access to 40+ Q&A videos).

⏰ Access My Proprietary Tools & Templates

50+ Exclusive Notion Templates

Get lifetime access to the Composing Career Dashboard, my all-in-one career manager containing:

🗂️ Lead Tracker Database

A ready-made Notion table to help you keep track and categorize leads that you've met (or plan on reaching out to)

📩 15 Email Templates

Copy the exact outreach formulas I use to expand my network, send followups, and request referrals.

💬 4 Pitch Scripts

Save months of trial-and-error with 4 simple one-sentence pitches I use consistently to convince clients to hire me.

🗓️ Follow-Up Tracker

Don't lose work from forgotten leads. Get notified when (and how) to send follow-ups to people in your network.

💸 Invoice Template

Create invoices, auto-calculate totals, and track payments directly within your Notion dashboard.

🤝 Contract Templates

Save time with easy, copy-paste templates for both formal contracts and informal email agreements.


🗓️ Cohort 4 Begins September 30th.

Join the VIP Wait List

Enter your email to get info on our upcoming cohort and how to enroll!

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